Monday, April 30, 2012

Happy Post

First of all, thanks to everyone who prayed to St. Anthony about my missing diamond ring. It is back safe and sound. Also, since this is a happy post, let me say that today at work I got a lot of compliments for the work I did preparing for a big meeting. Nothing like a few "Atta girl"s to make a person feel better!

This weekend was a lot of fun, especially when I went to a gamelan concert with Richard Bonomo, Kathbert, Jilly Moose, Luxuli, and her husband. To our surprise, someone we know was playing the gamelan so afterwards we asked him all sorts of questions about it. He showed us his music, and it was just a bunch of numbers, which tells him when to play which note. All the guys in the concert wore batik shirts, and the dancers had very cool Javanese costumes. Jilly Moose wondered afterwards if I could use Garage Band to try to replicate gamelan music, which is an interesting challenge. I might have to know more about the intricacies of it to make something that sounds genuine, but in theory if I knew what I was doing, it should be possible. So maybe in the future I will post my attempt at doing so on this blog.

My other happy news is that I got paid for blogging! The payment showed up in my bank account last week. Now I can say I am a professional writer. What do I plan to do with this largesse? Why, throw a party for my regular readers, of course. Details will be forthcoming.

Famous Hat

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