Friday, April 20, 2012

Work Rant

How many times can I hide in a supply closet at work, crying my makeup off, before I slowly go mad? How many nights can I come home and curl into a fetal position on the floor, petting a rabbit because I am incapable of anything else? Do other people hate their jobs this much? When faculty are asked to list my strengths, can’t they find something to say? What about punctuality? I always come to work on time. I never thought “None” and “…” were among my strengths. I tell myself maybe they don’t know I’m creative… and then I remember that they don’t care. Is this just the lot of all working people? Or is this job such a spectacularly bad fit that my superiors all find my completely incompetent? And what, short of winning the lottery, does a person do about it?

Famous Hat

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