Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Dinner at Light Bright's House

I never have any entertaining Light Bright stories anymore, since we see each other so seldom. I did go to her house last night for dinner, and we watched part of the DVD of her band’s Christmas performance, “Tinsel and Twang.” She played a solo on the banjo of a Christmas medley arranged by Bela Fleck; she learned it by watching a video of him on YouTube. That’s one of the advantages of living in the 21st century. I was telling Light Bright that I was feeling oversensitive and everyone was pissing me off, including a Canadian tax department employee and a coworker who mocked me for wearing flannel pants under my jeans (it was cold yesterday!), but she made me feel much better by saying she too would have been pissed off by these individuals. So sorry for not blogging yesterday – I was feeling oversensitive and pissy, and I figured who would want to read about that? Not that there is much to say about dinner with Light Bright, except that we had chocolate and red wine with dinner, so it was a real Girls’ Night. She told me Sock Puppet stories, but I can’t remember any of them well enough to recount them here, just how the worst Sock Puppet always talks to her like she is incapable of thinking. I do not miss that job at all! Yesterday I had been at my current job six months, so today I asked my boss if I had passed probation, and he laughed and said, “With flying colors!” So life is good.

Famous Hat

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