Thursday, December 19, 2013

Have Some Class

Last night Travalon and I went to see the movie Nebraska, a movie that gently makes fun of small town life. Watching it, I realized how much I dislike low class people. Low class is not the same thing as poor; you can have no money and lots of class, and of course you can have lots of money and no class. What really gets me is when people call their lack of class their “culture.” Culture is music, traditions, language – things like that. Low class is when you use curse words for no good reason, or make fun of people who are different, or think it’s cool to break the law. The ultimate mark of low class is a distaste for education. Who would be opposed to learning new things? Low class people, that’s who. Now I’m not saying we all need to be a bunch of over-educated cultural elitists; after all, I like hip hop just as much as Baroque music. In fact, either extreme is a lack of open-mindedness. Maybe the best way to be classy is to be respectful of everyone, especially those with whom you don’t agree. Even those with no class.

Famous Hat

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