Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Hamsa Wall Hanging

I don't have too much to say this evening. It felt like I was having a very mystical experience at Adoration, where I almost understood the mysterious nature of God, but it might have just been a lack of oxygen to my brain because I had to wear a mask the whole time. I do realize that I prefer more symbolic representations of God, no matter what religious tradition they are from, than ones that make him look like an old white dude. It's the same with music; I feel like both Renaissance polyphony and Tibetan Buddhist chanting capture something of the mystery of God, but Marty Haugen songs do not. Just like icons do, but sappy pictures of a Nordic-looking Jesus dude hugging people (sorry, Rich, but it's true) do not.

Here are some random pictures. First are some Beanie Babies we got at an antiques store in Baraboo that did not have any rosaries for sale. Remember when Beanie Babies were all the rage? Now you can get them for hardly anything at most antiques stores. I love the big peach-colored bear, but only after I bought it and read the tag did I realize it was for Mother's Day. Oops! Totally not relevant to my life. Then there's Peace Bear and Buckingham Bear, a puffin, and a pelican.

When we went to the zoo on Saturday, Travalon got a lemur and named it Lemmie, after the singer from the rock band Motorhead. The seahorse was something he brought home for me one day when I was stuck inside working but he got to go out to State Street. Sadly, I think the store was closing - they had lots of fun stuffed animals. Seahorses have been special to me for years, ever since I had a dream about a little seahorse being blown in the wind, and I was terrified that it would die, being outside of the water. But then I realized it was steering itself toward the water, and it was riding the wind, not being blown on it against its will. I woke up so happy!... and then it occurred to me: I was the seahorse! I control my own destiny! And I've never forgotten that lesson.

Here is my big wall rosary. I was inspired to hang it like this by a big rosary they had on the wall at the chapel we visited on Sunday.

And here is the Hamsa wall hanging that came in the mail today.

The Hamsa is more of a Jewish symbol, although Moslems say it is the hand of Fatima (the daughter of Mohammed), and Mideastern Christians say it is the hand of Mary. There's an eye in the center of each hand. It is supposed to provide protection, and we could all use a little of that right now!

Famous Hat

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