Monday, July 27, 2020

Religious Rainbow Metaphor

I keep forgetting to mention that Travalon and I played tennis during my lunch break on Thursday, because the day was overcast so it wasn't too hot out. Then of course as soon as we started playing, the sun came out and it was really hot. Then I played again on Friday evening with the neighbor I always walk with. She said, "We're the same level of bad," which is sad if you think about it, because I have spent years playing tennis and even took lessons once (like, almost four decades ago), so it stinks that I am just as bad as someone who says she "never plays." But it does make it fun for us to play together, because we are all about just getting the ball over the net no matter how many times it has bounced, and forget all that love-fifteen-thirty-add in scoring crap.

This evening Travalon wanted to go swimming at Crystal Lake out past Lodi, but we got all the way there and they said it was only open to campers this year, not the public. Other years we have been able to pay $8 to swim there for the day. So we came back and swam at Governor Nelson State Park, which was wonderful, and you could see downtown clearly. In fact, it was a similar view to when we are out on the boat. We did see a sailboat towing a kayak - that looked fun! And lots of ducks.

I have been thinking about my dream of trying to point out rainbows to Rich, and I think it may symbolize other religions, and my trying to point out to him where they have found the truth, because in the dream I was trying to show him unusual rainbows. There are apparently twelve kinds of rainbows, and in my metaphor, the Catholic Church is a vivid rainbow with all seven colors (sacraments) present. Most people have seen a double rainbow, and other Christian churches could be said to be like that: they are a faint reflection of the Real Church, and they get things backwards. Then there are supernumerary rainbows, which are bands of pastel colors beneath the main rainbow, like religions that have a few basic truths correct. There are rainbows at sunset with only a few colors, like red and yellow, or even just red, and there are fogbows, which are white, so they are missing most of the truths of the Catholic faith but have the correct shape (arch). I don't know how the very rare twinned rainbow fits into this metaphor, unless one arch is the Orthodox Church. Anyway, in the dream I was saying to Rich, "Don't you see the red rainbow? Don't you see the white rainbow?" and he said he couldn't until I took a picture and showed him. My point being that other religions sometimes emphasize parts of the truth that get lost in the whole in Catholicism, so there is value in studying them. It helps us see our own faith with fresh wonder.

Famous Hat

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