Saturday, July 11, 2020

Rosaries from the Evangelical Thrift Shop

Sorry that I didn't blog yesterday, and thank you for noticing - it's good to know someone is reading! Yesterday evening Travalon and I took a long, wonderful boat ride way back into the marsh, all the way back to where we could see the boardwalk and the observation deck at the park. Then I talked to Tiffy, as we always do on Fridays. Her condo association had a going-away party for a longtime resident, and I said she could text me if she was having too much fun at it to tear herself away, but the party started wonderfully and then ended abruptly when one attendee had to be taken away in an ambulance. Tiffy thought it was just a case of being a nonagenarian, having maybe a little too much adult beverage, and getting dehydrated, but it did, as Lady MacBeth said, "kill the mirth."

Today was a very good day. There had been an online auction of gift certificates for local businesses, and I bid on some restaurant ones, was outbid, tried to outbid them, and found out they had a proxy bid going so it would automatically outbid me. However, nobody else bid on the two $10 gift certificates for a local resale shop run by an evangelical church, so I got those for $8. Not a bad deal! This morning Travalon and I went there, and he found a great jacket for $5, but we didn't see much else that interested us. I figured there was no way they would have rosaries at a thrift store run by evangelicals, but then I saw a case labeled "Christian jewelry," and it was full of rosaries! We used up the gift certificates, and then some! Though I am starting to wonder about my compulsion to buy all the rosaries in sight...

We met Jilly Moose and OK Cap at ZuZu Cafe for lunch, then we went to the zoo. I tried to convince Kathbert to join us, but she had too many errands to run. The zoo will only let you in via the main entrance now, and you are supposed to follow a path of paw prints in a specific direction, but of course lots of yahoos were going the wrong way. How? It's not a little sign - it's a paw print path! The primate house was closed because they are so susceptible to Covid-19 themselves, and we had to stay further away from the big cats than usual (not that you can get that close anyway), and the Children's Zoo was closed so poor Travalon couldn't see his favorites, the red pandas. One of the people working there told me red pandas are really susceptible to Covid-19, so I get it, but Travalon has been waiting so patiently to get to see them again. At least the polar bear was doing the side stroke in its pool, so that was pretty cute, and the flamingos were running under a spray of water that looked really enticing in the heat. We wished we could jump in and join them!

Later Travalon wanted to go to the Cherokee Marsh Park at the end of Sherman Road, so we could look out from the land at the spot where we were boating last night. There was a map right by the parking lot with ten Cherokee Marsh hikes on it, and we saw we had been to all but #4, so we checked that out too. It said there were no maintained trails, but we did find a trail into the woods. It would be better in the autumn, when it's not so buggy and we would be wearing long pants. I went on it anyway, but it seemed to end abruptly. Maybe in October there will also be less vegetation, so we will be able to find where it continues. It's in a part of the marsh where the Yahara River is more of a little creek. We followed a road to where it got close to the river, and we saw a crane, so I got very excited. Then I felt silly, because we have plenty of cranes right in our backyard. Still, they are such beautiful birds; one of the reasons I got a prayer wheel (besides being annoyed with one of the World's Greatest Catholics) was because the Crane Foundation sent me a video of how they were having prayer wheels with cranes on them made in Nepal that they will install by next spring, and they showed a bunch of people in crane costumes dancing gracefully in a circle while a beautiful song about cranes played in the background. I was enchanted! Here is the video:

So you can see why I would want a prayer wheel of my own.

Famous Hat

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