Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Not Your Average Family Toothbrush


I had no idea what to blog about today, but after Night Prayer the Dairyman's Daughter was telling us how she bought these all-natural bamboo toothbrushes that are supposed to be good for the environment. After she had been using one for a month, she noticed odd markings that looked kind of like breasts. She thought, "What is that on my toothbrush?" so she looked at the other one, and sure enough, it had little male parts on it. Then she looked at the box, and it said: "Nudie Toothbrush." She said, "I bought it at a local store and just assumed it would be a family toothbrush!" I will say that I have heard (cough, cough) that if you go to a hotel where it is assumed you would be engaging in naughty things, the toothbrushes they provide do not in fact have genitalia drawn on them but are very plain. Isn't life strange like that?

Last night I had a weird dream that I was watching a movie I can't imagine anyone making. These two guys (characters in a novel I never finished) were trying to get a land use resolution passed in their town, but their archenemy on the town council was trying to stop them. They had to find the state person who could sign off on their resolution, so they were telling their sad story to a woman in a diner... and she was the exact person they needed to sign their paperwork! The soundtrack to this movie was "Estimated Prophet" by the Grateful Dead, over and over and over. What does any of this mean? According to the dream dictionary, dreaming of a resolution has to do with a decision you are making, so this must have something to do with making a decision about going on the Camino with the Bishop. This makes sense, since most other nights lately I've been dreaming I was on a pilgrimage.

Famous Hat

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