Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Dimebag Darrell Memorial


This morning Travalon and I took a walk before I had to start work, and just as we came out the door, we heard the train whistle. I thought maybe we had just missed it, but we walked to where you can see it, and then it did go by! I haven't seen a train in weeks! Sometimes when I am out walking at lunchtime, I hear a whistle in the distance, but it never comes any closer. Maybe it's on that other track.

Today I went out to see the sunset, but it wasn't as spectacular as yesterday's. Here are a couple pictures of the sunset last Thursday, and then a couple of the one today.

So this is a bit out of sequence, but today a package arrived for Travalon, and he said it was for me! It's a tribute to the guitarist from Pantera, Dimebag Darrell, who was murdered onstage years ago. In this video, you can hear Travalon chopping potatoes in rhythm to the changing colors of the light. (Not on purpose - it just worked out that way.)

This is the moon tonight. It's not quite full.

The secret club's assignment this month was to make an award for someone, so I made this award for my #1 husband, Travalon.

Here are some more pictures of my rosaries. These are the little rosary bracelets I got at the alpaca store at East Towne Mall.

These are rosaries that neither glow under blacklight nor fit into my vision for the rosary mandala, but they sure look colorful on that key holder that Richard Bonomo gave me.

And here's the rosary mandala! The stuff off to the left is my collection of things (including rosaries) that glow under blacklight, and the stuff to the right is the boxes and pouches some of them were in.

This is a rosary I never posted a good photo of before, because I left it in the box for the photo. It's one of the ones from the Odana Antiques Mall, and it's a Mother Theresa rosary. It also glows under blacklight.

And hardly anything glows better under blacklight than this chartreuse rosary I got at St. Patrick's in Mauston. I had a feeling it might, so I tested it tonight. I got it years ago, long before I thought about getting a blacklight.

Rich suggested I paint a painting that would glow under blacklight, and I have plenty of paint left from painting Our Lady of Neon, so watch for that in the future. I just have to get a canvas...

Famous Hat

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