Saturday, February 27, 2021

Last Eagle of the Season?


This morning I was watching Looney Tunes cartoons with Travalon, and there were two starring Daffy Duck that were called "Boobs in the Woods" and "Stork Naked," but they were not what those titles would lead you to believe. Then we met Anna Banana II, Jilly Moose, and Richard Bonomo at the new Anchora Coffee where the Manna Cafe used to be. I wore my new T-shirt (although it was under a hoodie):

And I also wore my new four-way cross. The four medals are the Sacred Heart, St. Joseph, St. Christopher, and the Miraculous Medal, and then in the center is a dove symbolizing the Holy Spirit.

After coffee, the five of us went to Tenney Park and took a walk along the canal all the way to the other side of the isthmus. It was such a beautiful day. My Christmas cactus must be enjoying the longer days and warmer weather too, because it is in bloom.

Travalon and I went out to Sauk, and we started at the dam but didn't see any eagles. Lots of fishermen, though. Then we went to the VFW Park - no eagles. I said it was too warm so they weren't gathering by the dam, but we did see one on the island where they sometimes hang out.

I like how it appears to either be dancing or stretching a crick in its neck in this photo.

We also saw pieces of ice floating down the river, and this one had a passenger. I suppose it's just a piece of wood, but it almost looks like a little toy train engine.

Travalon said he surprised me and got some cash at the Kwik Trip so we could go to the Valley of Our Lady Monastery and get another rosary. I asked which one he liked, and he picked out one that has blue and pink together so it looks kind of raspberry-colored. I will take a picture of it in natural light, but I suspected it might glow under blacklight... and it does!!

Bonus photo: a koozie from Hooker's Resort that glows under blacklight.

Yesterday I was telling Anna Banana II that there's a random port-a-potty on Highway U, so when Travalon and I drive around Lake Wisconsin, "I can pee on U." I didn't realize how funny that sounded until she started laughing. Today Travalon and I went to the road up a bluff with a beautiful view of Tipperary Road, and I couldn't pee on U! The port-a-potty was gone!! But Travalon got some great photos.

Then we debated about going to Sunset Bay to watch the sun set, but we decided instead to watch it set behind Loddes Mill Bluff. Here are some photos.

Then the sunset got more purple. I wondered aloud why it would look horrible if a person wore orange and purple together, but in a sunset it looks so beautiful. Travalon didn't have an answer.

As we drove home, we saw a gorgeous moonrise! Unfortunately we weren't in a good place to stop and take a picture as we drove toward it, so we had to wait until we got home, and then it wasn't as big and red, but it's still beautiful.

I said to Travalon that I have seen many sunrises and sunsets and also plenty of moonrises, but I don't ever remember seeing the moon set. He said maybe that happens at 3 am. Now I am puzzled. Does anyone (looking at you, Richard L.R. Bonomo) know why it isn't common to see a moonset? Or are they just not as spectacular as a moonrise so we don't notice them? Our windows do face east, so maybe people with west-facing windows see them all the time.

Famous Hat

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