Sunday, February 21, 2021

Gary Air


Apparently we were under some sort of weather advisory here in southern Wisconsin yesterday, but Travalon and I didn't know it when we were outside all day. There was a lot of pollution in the air, and when I said to Travalon that it blew up from Chicago, he said, "It probably blew up from Gary. It's Gary Air!" Which I found hilarious, because there's a list somewhere of alternate state slogans, and the one for Wisconsin is: "Come smell our Dairy Air!" (If you don't get it, say it out loud.) Anyway, we noticed the air in Sauk didn't seem as clean as usual, but it was kind of like how the air in Madison always is. Then when we came back home, I took that long walk outside, and after that my eyes were itching as if I were terribly allergic to our house. Travalon was having a lot of allergy issues too, and we wondered why we suddenly were having such a reaction to our house, but at Night Prayer someone told us all about the air advisory. It was in effect today too, until the snow came and dispersed the weird atmospheric conditions causing it. Anyway, that is a long intro to explain why our big adventure today was walking in West Towne Mall with Anna Banana II (who is visiting town) and Jilly Moose. We walked around the mall twice, then Travalon went to the bookstore while we ladies browsed different shops. I said let's look for rosaries, and of course I found this little rose gold rosary bracelet.

Here is the rosary I got yesterday at the Valley of Our Lady Monastery. Is it green? Is it blue? If you can't decide, then I doubtless will love the color!

At the mall, Travalon and I saw this forlorn little toy turtle just outside. I hope its owner find it. There is probably a really upset little kid somewhere, wondering where this is.

Here are two rosaries I forgot to take pictures of back when I was buying rosaries online at the beginning of the pandemic. There are two others I also forgot to take pictures of, so I'll try to post those soon.

The one on the left is a rosary I found when I googled "rosaries that glow under blacklight." The description of it didn't actually say it did, but it was such pretty bright colors that I got it. And it does! The one on the right is the missionary rosary I bought because the green beads are such a lovely color. They are a very minty green. This is supposedly an antique rosary, and that could be, because antique green glass like this often contains uranium, which is what gives it the lovely color and makes it glow under blacklight. 

Tonight I finished putting my rosaries into the mandala. Here is a picture of the rainbow as I was working on it, when it looks like a pretty convincing rainbow. (Excuse the chaos.)

Now that it's finished, or at least basically finished, the rainbow effect is diminished by all the black, white, and wooden rosaries that I put into inner circles. Also, the fourth circle doesn't actually have fifty rosaries, but it's narrower so I'm not sure fifty would even fit.

I wanted to see if any of my chaplets would glow under blacklight, but the only thing that kind of did is this little one-decade rosary I made years ago.

This rosary is random because some of the white beads light up, and some don't, but not in any pattern, and I can't discern a difference in natural light.

This is a rosary I got at Holy Hill, and stripes on the beads light up bright pink.

This rosary is from the Dickeyville Grotto shop, and it has multicolored beads, but only the pink ones light up.

Some rosaries don't exactly light up, but they sort of glow, like these two blue ones.

Or this lovely purple one, which is a very pretty color in natural light too.

This cheap rosary that came in junk mail keeps breaking, and I fix it but it just breaks again. It's a very uninteresting washed-out blue in natural light, but it lights up a beautiful blue under the blacklight.

It occurs to me that the two brightly-colored Franciscan seven-decade rosaries I got in Marytown might light up under the blacklight, so maybe later tonight I'll check them out. Or maybe that will be a project for another night.

Famous Hat

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