Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Blacklight Cityscape


A couple of weeks ago I finally got the canvas to paint a picture using the blacklight paints... and then I never did anything with it. My procrastination paid off, because as I was thinking about my little shrunken creatures that glow under blacklight, it suddenly occurred to me that I could use the canvas to paint a landscape and then have the little creatures play around in it, and the whole thing would glow under blacklight. When I mentioned this idea to Jilly Moose and Anna Banana II, Jilly Moose said I should paint another depiction of the Monona Terrace. (We once went to a paint night on campus, and I painted a night scene painting of the Monona Terrace, which I gave to Ma and Pa Hat.) I said I'd been thinking more about mountains and rivers, but maybe I could also throw in the Monona Terrace. Then I started to think about it more, and a cityscape might be just as good. Why not put some mountains behind the skyline and create an idealized Madison? The little island with palm trees could float in Lake Monona as easily as in the hypothetical river that was going to flow through my hypothetical landscape. Tomorrow evening I may have some time to paint the picture, so possibly I will post photos of this adventure tomorrow.

Famous Hat

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