Friday, April 2, 2021

Eight Mile Good Friday


The rest of Travalon's Arthurian legend bunnies came. They are Lancelot (on the horse), Galahad (with the Holy Grail...?), Arthur, and Guinevere. 

Today my walking buddy said she would be up for walking, but when I texted her this morning, she said maybe in the afternoon. I had the day off of work, so I took a rosary walk just after nine, then Travalon and I took a walk at Jackson's Landing at ten. Anna Banana II wanted to go for a walk, so she and I walked at Governor's Island about noon, and then we went to St. Peter's for the Good Friday Service, and during that I missed my move hours for the first time in months. But what are you going to do? As we were leaving, they gave us little wooden crosses. So cute! I didn't think to take a picture of mine, but it's just a little brown wooden cross. Then Anna Banana II, Travalon, and I walked on the boardwalk not far from our house. First we passed a marshy area.

Anna Banana II spotted an egg in a tree, but it was actually a painted rock.

Here we are on the boardwalk! Thanks to Travalon for taking the picture.

The boardwalk passes over Six Mile Creek, which we have boated on before.

We got as far as just going under this bridge on our boat.

We did see a goose nesting on top of a muskrat lodge, and we saw an eagle being harassed by a much smaller bird. Across the road we saw this bird of prey in a tree. Is it an eagle? A hawk? We couldn't tell.

Then when we got home, my neighbor wanted to go for a walk - just a short one, since she's building back up after breaking her foot. After that I was so close to 20,000 steps for the day, but she didn't want to go any further, so I came back in and changed the linens on the bed and sorted laundry. That did it! I have gone over eight miles today. Of course, walking so much on a fast day wasn't the wisest idea, I suppose, because then I was ravenous and ate a big plate of fish. Ah well, this whole Lent has been a fail for me, so I might as well end with a great big fail.

Famous Hat

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