Monday, July 26, 2021

More Photos from Our Pontoon Boat Ride


Tonight Travalon and I went swimming at Governor Nelson State Park for the first time this summer. We figured on a Monday evening the beach would be quieter, and were we ever right about that - we were the only ones swimming! There was one couple sitting out on the spit of land that juts into the water, and another couple came along and had a picnic on the beach, but nobody else ventured into the water. We saw the Betty Lou Cruise, some annoying personal watercraft, and several sailboats, including one with a lovely green and white spinnaker. I love to watch sailboats with their spinnakers up, but what I'd love even more is to someday be on one. Someday... 

On the way home we saw a beautiful sunset, and I took a couple of pictures with my cell phone, but they didn't really capture it. I may post them someday, but right now I am posting the long-promised photos from our pontoon boat ride. We saw lots of beautiful houses on the lake.

Some of the houses on Maple Bluff have impressive staircases down to the water.

This is my office building, the tallest building on campus: Van Hise!

Look at this cute little boathouse!

This gazebo matches the house perfectly.

And look at the sunroom on this house! My plants would love this!

This Tudor-style house is so beautiful.

Here is another shot of the green line on Maple Bluff that they say marks what used to be the bottom of the lake.

And this is the edge of Governor's Island.

Here you can see the striped smokestack at the old Oscar Mayer plant beyond Maple Bluff. It kind of looks like a lighthouse, and boaters use it to navigate, especially at night, when it's lit up.

Here's Maple Bluff again.

And here are some good shots of the Capitol Building.

Here is Van Hise again, aka. the Killer Building.

The Red Gym and the Union Terrace.

I have been told this lovely old building is Water Chemistry. The ugly building behind it is the Helen C. White Library.

Here's the Union Terrace again! I just love how colorful it is.

And this impressive building is the Edgewater Hotel. On the lower right is the Boathouse, a restaurant where you can sit outside by the water, and sometimes they have live music.

While I have not been to the private houses we saw on this boat ride, many of the public places I know well, like the Edgewater Hotel, the Union Terrace, and of course good old Van Hise. I practically lived in that building as an undergrad. Who could have foreseen that someday I'd be earning money working there instead of spending it studying there? Life is crazy like that.

Famous Hat

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