Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Train from the East

Today a really exciting (for me) thing happened when I went out to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet at three. I was going to walk around in the shade under some big trees, but I heard a distant train horn, and it seemed to be from the east. Now when the trains come from the west, you hear the horn at one intersection, then another, and then the really close one just before the train passes, but I remembered not too long ago I heard the train horn, didn't hear it get any closer, and then suddenly the train was passing by from the east. So I walked over to the Nau-Ti-Gal parking lot to finish the chaplet, and I didn't hear the horn again, but suddenly there was a rumbling coming from the east so I got my camera ready just in the nick of time. Behold, the rare From the East train video! I know you're probably thinking, "This is just like all your other train videos, Famous Hat!" but the train is coming from the other direction, and now you know just how lucky I had to get to capture this video of it.

This evening as I was driving to Adoration, I saw a train with a really beautiful blue engine with red stripes on it, but there was no way for me to safely make a video of that.

Here are some recent photos. First is the sunset from last night. It looked far better in real life

Here is some artwork done by the kids Travalon works with, since they were stuck inside yesterday because the heat was so bad.

I'm thinking these were painted by boys.

And I'm guessing these were painted by girls.

These marigolds in our neighborhood just looked so cheerful in the sunshine.

And finally, some rosaries. I usually post photos of these right away, but I kept forgetting these.

The one on the left is from Ethel's mother's funeral. The other three are from Crazy Frank's Antique Shop in Mineral Point, which we stopped at on our Memorial Day road trip. You can see that the middle one of those three is a missionary rosary, and you may not be able to tell from the picture, but the one on the far right is made of rose petals. My rosary acquisition in 2021 is not nearly at the insane level of 2020.

Famous Hat

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