Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Goodbye to Michaela


Astute readers may have noticed that I didn't blog yesterday. There is a good reason for that - I went to Luxuli and Prairie Man's house with Travalon to say goodbye to our frequent houseguest. Jilly Moose was there too, and Rich stopped by earlier in the day. Poor Michaela was thirteen and not feeling at all well, but we did have a good visit with her. This morning the plan was that she would peacefully enter the next realm. All my condolences to Luxuli and Prairie Man, and if they want to write an obituary, I'd be happy to post it. Here is one final photo of her with me - she looks better than I do, and I'm not the sick one.

This morning I had a meeting of a committee to decide who would be awarded employee excellence awards (I have never been nominated myself), then we had our weekly department admin meeting. Apparently there is a secret room in one of the grad student offices that my coworker just discovered, and nobody seems to have a key for it, but our boss said he and the other coworker and three grad students made a pact that they would share any treasure hidden in there. I just think the Killer Building is so bizarre - this is not the only room within a room in it.

It was a very cold day, so at lunch I walked around in the Botany greenhouses. There are a number of them, including a desert one, but today I enjoyed the fern one so much that I went in it twice. It was so hot and humid in there, I just loved it. And look how green it is!

It makes me happy just to look at it. 

Famous Hat

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