Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Photos from the Domes


Today I had two meetings at work, and in one of them the Dean was talking about all the construction projects in the college, so I asked if there were any plans to replace the Killer Building. I got a real non-answer about how there was no money in the budget for repairs, but let the facilities manager know if something is desperate, so apparently there are no plans to do anything at all about the Killer Building. The real bellwether will be the Regents, who are up on the top floor, because if they move out, we'll know it's not safe for us peons either.

As promised, here are photos of the Domes from Saturday. Most of these were taken by Travalon, but I did take a few. First the Show Dome, which was decorated for Christmas:

Next is the Tropical Dome, which had a lot of pink flowers and foliage.

Poison bulb? But I was gonna eat it!

This is the sausage tree:

Our favorite was the Desert Dome, because the plants are all so interesting. This is a cycad in bloom; you can tell from the bloom whether the plant is male or female, and while the Domes didn't tell us about this one, my online research indicates it is a female.

Who's the father???

Site of the future tequila farm!

This cactus looks like it's grooving to the rhythm.

Fake armadillo.

I hope you enjoyed your tour of the Domes, especially the Desert Dome, since Travalon showed you just about every plant in there. You can see why we all like it best.

Famous Hat

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