Monday, November 14, 2022

Photos of Mirror Lake State Park


Last Wednesday I had just about the perfect experience on mass transit: the 28X bus came, and I was able to get my favorite seat, yet there were enough people on the bus for it not to feel like a waste. Then today the same thing happened, only one of our faculty members got on the bus and sat next to me, so we talked about politics until she got to her stop. Maybe this perfection will last until they totally change the busses up next summer. 

As promised, here are some photos from yesterday at Mirror Lake.

This is Ishnala, a very old supper club we have never been to.

Ishnala is not open in the winter, but Travalon and I will try to go there for either his half-birthday or mine, if we don't forget. We always forget to do anything for his half-birthday. Mine is easier to remember because it's so close to the Fourth of July that we're usually doing something anyway. If we get there, I'll be sure to blog about it.

Famous Hat

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