Thursday, February 10, 2011

The World's Tiniest Rosary

This is for Luxuli and anyone else interested in chaplets: remember the weird chaplet I found in the church library hanging from a statue of Our Lady of Cuba? Let me refresh your memory:

If you would like a more Byzantine-flavored prayer than the Sacred Heart chaplet, this works well:

On the four white beads, pray the Trisagion like this:

1.  Holy God
2.  Holy Mighty One
3.  Holy Immortal One
4.  Have mercy on us

Then on the red beads, pray the Jesus Prayer:  "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner."  The Orthodox often pray this 33 times for each year of Jesus' earthly life, and this chaplet has 33 red beads.  I like both prayers, so instead of choosing, I have been doing the Sacred Heart Chaplet in the morning and this Byzantine Chaplet at night.

I have a number of rosaries, but by far the smallest is in the pocket shrine Ethel brought back for me from Mexico.  Check it out - when closed, it looks like a tiny pink wallet.

Here is the pocket shrine opened, with a penny for scale.  And yes, it is a real penny and not that giant one I used in the photo of Marvin the computer.

Look at that teeny tiny rosary just to the left of Our Lady of Guadalupe!  And yes, it really works - I used it once, just to see, but it is too much of a pain to use regularly.  It's more for show.

Famous Hat

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