Thursday, August 4, 2011

Almost Studious

As my regular readers know, Toque McToque and I are always thinking up new grant proposals that we plan to (someday) submit to the NIH. Here are a few of our best ones:

The Tropical Origins of Lagomorphs: Why Does Bunny Like Banana and Papaya? (Involves travel to tropical islands)

The Evolutionary Origins of Schadenfreude: Why I Enjoy Watching You Suffer (You can't handle knowing what this one involves)

Are Humans Naturally Crepuscular? (Involves lots of napping)

Since we haven't actually submitted any of these grant proposals, Toque maintains that we are "almost studious" and suggested having a modified Rosie the Riveter as our logo. And here she is!

Famous Hat


Catherine Arnott Smith said...

Hey, this is the perfect place to post this vent/trivia! I am working on an NIH proposal this month. The narrative portion of the proposal can be no more than 7 pages long. The manual explaining how to fill in all the forms required for the proposal is 264 pages long.

Strange but true!

Famous Hat said...

I would believe almost anything you could tell me about the NIH after my experiences with grant proposals. (Real ones I worked on, not the ones in this post.)