Friday, August 20, 2021

Dane Dance 2021


Tonight Travalon and I went to the Dane Dance on the roof of the Monona Terrace, so that is one more thing off my summer bucket list. First we went to the Cafe for dinner, but this year they don't have the crab cake sandwich we loved so much, so I just had a bean burger. (Speaking of food I hadn't had in a while and will never have again, Next Door Brewing closed without much fanfare, so no more beer pie. We should have gone there on Saturday when we did Street Fest in reverse! Their last day was Sunday.) 

The first act was V05, a local disco cover band, and they are always a lot of fun, not just fabulous musicians but also dressing the part in outrageous disco outfits. Some of the people in the audience had crazy outfits on too - there was a guy Travalon called the "Sultan of Swing" who would not have been out of place at the Willy Street Fair. That band finished, a DJ came on, and the moon rose. It was such a beautiful rose gold color, not its usual silver color.

We got someone else to take a photo of us with it, since our selfie attempts were so terrible.

Here is another photo of it. You can see that it was a beautiful pinkish gold.

Here are a couple of shots (the first from my phone and the second from Travalon's) of the lights on the Monona Terrace. They make it look so festive... because it is so festive!

A woman came around collecting donations, so Travalon gave her a couple of bucks, and she noted that I was wearing a Dance Dance T-shirt. "That's an older one," she said. "I like the color better than this year's shirt." She was wearing the same shirt, but in purple, while mine is a pale blue. I do like the color of my T-shirt, but the writing on it is in lime green, so it did show up much better on her shirt than on mine. It says: "Get up... get down... get together," which is their motto.

A second band came on, not local, that was advertised as a Barry White cover band. However, they did other things too, like the theme song from Shaft, which is by Isaac Hayes, and then they sang "Just the Way You Are" by Billy Joel. I hadn't come to listen to white people music, especially such a sappy song, so we decided it was an ideal time to leave. By then the moon was silver, and a bright planet was just to the left of it. It was a perfect evening, just the right temperature with a pleasant breeze. Once again, Dane Dance doesn't disappoint!

Famous Hat

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