Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Jer-Bear 2


Today I had to work on campus again, so my colleague and I went out to lunch. She had a coupon for $1 off a wrap and $1 off sushi, so she was going to get a wrap until seeing the sushi. It did look good, but I was happy to get the wrap, because it was much cheaper. I got a chicken pesto one, and it was so filling that I didn't eat any of my fruit today. Also, I drank a lot of green tea, both the stuff I brought and the stuff my colleague gave me.

When we came home, Travalon and I played tennis. Nothing notable about that, except my serves were going right into the net, and I had a home run - wrong sport! The most noteworthy thing is that there is a huge hornets' nest hanging from a tree right over the path to the tennis court, which we had never noticed. The exterminator came and sprayed it yesterday, and he said to stay away from it because the wasps that survived would be angry and vicious, but of course we forgot all about that, although I did notice a wasp buzzing around me when I first got on the court. It didn't do anything.

Our neighbor who told us about the beautiful sunset last night also took some cool photos of the mandevilla arch out to the dock. Another neighbor bought the mandevilla plants, and yet another neighbor is training them on the arch. It's so pretty - I hope someone can take it in for the winter so it doesn't die.

When we got home, a package was waiting for me. It was Jer-Bear 2!

For reference, here is Jer-Bear 1.

And here they are together.

If you are wondering why I ordered two, it's because I looked at Jer-Bear 2 on eBay before buying the first one, and then the seller sent an email saying he would lower the price. Jer-Bear 2 has a tag, which makes him more of a collector's item, and I usually take the tags off my Beanie Babies, but I might leave his on. It has a cute little poem inside of it:

        The Beanies used to follow him around
        Because Garcia traveled from town to town
        He's pretty popular as you can see
        Some even say he's legendary!

And then the bear has the same birthday as Jerry Garcia - August 1 - only in 1995, not 1942. I did want one of these bears back in the 90's, but they were impossible to get back then. So now I have two.

Famous Hat

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