Saturday, August 7, 2021

Daring Escape from a Restroom Stall


Last night a group of us went to the outdoor theater to see a really funny play about a bunch of people on a ship rehearsing a play. The Dairyman's Daughter organized it, as always, and the Single B-Boy was there, while Tiffy, Rich, another guy, and I drove together. The other guy was wearing six baseball caps stacked on top of each other, and the top few kept falling off. When we asked why he wore so many, he said because he likes them all, and they fit under his bike helmet, and also he should get another one so he could have seven, because that's a perfect number. I had a moment of excitement in the restroom when I couldn't get my stall unlocked, but fortunately there is a very large gap under the door, so I was able to crawl out from under it. I was in the very end one and hoped nobody had seen me, but of course Tiffy was in the one right across from me, and she saw me. At least she didn't think to take a photo. I was wearing a very bright neon tie-dyed shirt from the Crane Foundation, and it glows under blacklight:

This morning Travalon and I met Rich and Tiffy at Fair Trade Coffee, and El Vegetariano joined us too! I hadn't seen him in a long time, and he has shaved off his beard. Then Rich left for a wedding, Travalon went to test drive cars, and Tiffy and I hung out on State Street. We went up to the Farmers' Market around the Square, but suddenly it got really dark so we went into the Capitol Building, went up to the second level, and wandered around. I said I felt like I was in a dream, and Tiffy said she felt the same way, so maybe it was the weird low pressure front. The rain didn't hit, so we went to the Globe for lunch and sat outside in a sheltered space, in case the rain did come. Then we went to the recycled clothing store so I could find a flapper dress, but I'm too fat to be a flapper - none of them fit me. So we went to Tiffy's sister's apartment building and hung out on the roof. Check it out - you can see my church in the background.

Travalon joined us, and we went down to the Union Terrace. The weather was still very strange, and as we sat there, the big steam whistle went off. It always goes off an hour before sunset to warn the boats that they should start heading in, but this was way too early for that. Then it went off again, so I said if it goes off a third time, that's a really bad sign, and I pulled out my camera to shoot a video. Sure enough, it went off a third time. Warning: it's kind of loud, so maybe turn your volume down.

When it goes off three times, the boats know they better get off the lake right away. We decided to go to our favorite Chinese restaurant on State Street for dinner, and once we were safely inside, the storm really hit. We could see the rain falling so hard that it looked like State Street was flooded, but we took our time at dinner, and when the rain subsided, the water dispersed. Travalon and I were relieved, because we remembered a few summers ago when it rained so hard that the roads were too flooded for us to go home, so we had to crash on Rich's couch. This evening we had no trouble getting home, thank goodness!

Famous Hat

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