Saturday, October 2, 2021

Hiking with Jilly Moose on the Ice Age Trail


Today Travalon got to do something excellent: he got to go to a Badger football game and get paid for it! He went for work, so he had to watch a bunch of squirrelly kids, but they were down on the field by the end zone so the view was excellent. Too bad the game was so rotten... Michigan steamrolled the Badgers. Here are some photos he took.

Meanwhile, Jilly Moose and I met at Crema Cafe for brunch, then we went hiking on a section of the Ice Age Trail here in Madison. The entrance was hard to find, and we had to park on the street because there wasn't a parking lot, and then it went through a golf course so that was a little scary. We kept fearing balls would come flying at us! But the views were stunning - I should have brought Travalon's good camera. Here are some photos.

I walked 4.4 miles on the trail today, so that is one-tenth of the distance we have to go for the Mammoth Challenge this year. 

Then Jilly Moose and I went to Fired Up, and I made a Halloween-themed fridge magnet with candy corn eyes and scary teeth and eyebrows, but I didn't take a photo. I'll take one once it's done. 

In the evening Travalon and I went to the East Side Club for a formal dinner and dancing. We wore our swanky duds, but Travalon didn't want a picture. I think he's embarrassed to be seen in fancy clothes, although he did wear a tuxedo for our wedding. Thinking of that reminded me of a crazy conversation I once had with Rich and a pharmacist who had to go to court because he wouldn't sell contraceptives to a woman. Rich said the pharmacist wanted to wear a monkey suit to court, and the pharmacist turned to me and said, "Famous agrees with me on this, right, Famous?" I said, "A tuxedo seems a little formal, but why not?" and Rich said, "No, he means an actual MONKEY SUIT. He's going to dress up as a gorilla," and I was all, "OH. Hmm. No, I would definitely not do that." The pharmacist wanted to emphasize that he was not being treated as a thinking human being or something, but if I remember correctly, we were able to dissuade him from this questionable sartorial choice for his day in court.

Here are some bonus photos: the coral-colored rosary we got at the monastery in Sauk last weekend.

And here it is glowing under blacklight!

Yesterday I worked from home, and I noticed there was a beam of light falling on the cross of this large rosary hanging on our wall.

I'm sure there's a perfectly rational, scientific explanation, but I wasn't sure where the beam of light was coming from, and it looked very mystical, so I took a quick photo.

Famous Hat

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