Monday, October 18, 2021

Teenage Blog


Eleven years ago, the town of Stoughton hired someone from Illinois to paint their water tower, and they ended up being renamed Stoughon for a couple of days until the situation was rectified. Back in July, the town of Plover had their water tower repainted, and they were renamed Plvoer, which doesn't even make sense. At least you can pronounce Stoughon, which would sound something like "stow-un," unless you subscribe to the school of thought that Stoughton is pronounced "stuffton," in which case it would be pronounced "stuffon," which is still easily pronounceable. The articles don't say that "Plvoer" was painted by the same brain trusts who painted "Stoughon," but I wouldn't be one bit surprised.

This blog is now a teenager! My very first post was on October 1, 2008. I forgot to celebrate the blog's birthday at the start of the month, so why not now? Happy birthday, blog! Many posts later, it is still just as random, although now and then a theme will seem to appear: it's a blog about birdwatching! No, wait, it's a blog about early music! No, maybe it's a blog about hiking on the Ice Age Trail! My answer to all these questions? "Yes, it is." Since this is also sometimes a blog about astrology, I'd just like to pause and take a moment to note that this blog is a Libra with its moon in Scorpio.

Sorry, I'm too tired to deal with the train movie tonight, but that's something to look forward to tomorrow night! Instead, I will post some photos Travalon took today when he went for a walk on Governor's Island. You may remember photos of it from last year at this time, when it was a riot of autumnal colors. This year it isn't too colorful, but the water is still beautiful.

Travalon said this is the only color he really saw.

And here is a selfie of the man himself!

Wow, I feel like we should have a party to celebrate my blog's birthday. In fact, we should have a spaghetti party where we don't use plates. Now that may sound oddly specific, but I'm just saying that it would get my secret mission for the month completed AND celebrate my blog achieving adolescence. Win-win!

Famous Hat

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