Thursday, October 7, 2021

I've Looked at Numbers from Both Sides Now


Today was another uneventful day at "the office" (my porch), but in the evening I did talk to Light Bright. She was telling me how her son is really into playing the piano, and he makes up his own songs on it, which is amazing because he'll be six next month. She said even his piano teacher is blown away by how talented he is. He did kind of drive her crazy when he became fixated with the theme song from Pirates of the Caribbean and played it over and over and over. It is funny what things kids get fixated on. I clearly remember in first or second grade learning how to carry when doing addition and thinking it was so much fun that I couldn't stop doing it. I went home and created my own worksheet of addition problems that required me to carry a value over to the tens column. I tried to sell my brother on the wonder of carrying, but he was unimpressed. I couldn't tell you why I thought it was so great. Before that I hadn't been too interested in math, although I loved numbers. Every number had a color and a personality, like seven was purple and was a young female, while eight was yellow and was an adult male and in fact the mayor of Number Town. Then I got to school and found out numbers could do things, and I thought that was so exciting. Now I'm an adult and a professional bean counter, so I work with numbers all day long. Maybe Light Bright's son will never lose his excitement over the piano, but I have to admit that I really don't get too excited about numbers these days. Maybe I need to look at them again with childlike eyes and see them with colors and personalities. That ought to jazz up my job.

Famous Hat

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