Today I worked from home, and at first my work computer wouldn't start - it would just smile at me.
My cuddly rosary is so red, I noticed for the first time today that it seems to glow in the sun. And that usually means a thing will glow under blacklight. I hadn't thought of it in all these years, because usually neon colors like pink and orange and lime green glow, but red can too. Check it out!
The Professor Formerly Known as Lute Player had sent me an article about how a town in Germany that shares my married name is not allowed to use their slogan "I Love Wank" by the Ski Federation because while the word in German just means a slope or a bend in a river, it means self-pleasuring in British English. She said this is an example of the Scunthorpe Problem, where innocuous words can be banned by computer programs, because the name of the town in England contains a vile word for female genitalia. Apparently some computer programs will replace offensive words with less offensive ones, so for example one program replaced the word "ass" with the word "butt." Not sure why that is an improvement, but it did result in this wondrous word for the killing of an important personage: buttbuttination. I love that it is completely pronounceable.
Famous Hat
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