Just before the winter break, I walked into the TA office without knocking because it was late in the afternoon, but a TA was in there. I said, "I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were in here," and went ahead and watered the plant... and then I noticed he was on a Zoom call or something, so I hightailed it out of there. I wrote him a profusely apologetic email, which he never responded to, and then this morning I dreamed he was still mad at me. Seemed like a random thing to dream about... and then after walking with my colleague at lunch, I was too lazy to walk up the hill, so I took the bus, and that TA was on it and steadfastly ignored me. So weird! In the last couple of weeks I have also had dreams that Colbert had a secret tropical getaway that he invited me to, and that Travalon and I were going to live on a train, but you had to wear a life jacket for some reason, and every time I got in line to get one, they ran out before getting to me. If I was going to have a dream come true, why not living on a train or going to a secret tropical getaway? Why are unforgiving graduate student dreams the only ones that come true?
Today was my first day back at the office since the winter break started, and I was happy with my jar of glass squiggles in the sunlight.
I like how the little red guy is gazing at it adoringly while the star is gazing at him adoringly.
We do have Monday off, and one thing I will not spend it doing is watching the Evil Orange Thing's inauguration. In our political system, you have one party that plays by the rules and one that doesn't, and you can see how that turned out. I wouldn't be so offended by all these lying, cheating, treasonous Rethuglicans if they didn't also go around trumpeting how "Christian" they are. Since they are pretty much the opposite of What Would Jesus Do, they are driving normal people away from Christianity. Sometimes I get so down about it, but then I remember that Jesus himself said that many would say "Lord, Lord!" and he would say he never knew them. It's not like this is the only time in history that evil has gotten the upper hand; it's just that I'm living through this period, so of course it seems bad to me. There are still Catholics out there who care about the poor and the environment, like the Franciscans I knew as a child, so not all hope is lost. Just a lot of hope is lost. It's almost fascinating, like watching a train wreck, to see how many other countries this megalomaniac plans to take over. All these MAGAts say, "If you don't like it here, leave!" and I would, but every place we've considered is being eyed by their Tangerine Palpatine, so then what? If I leave the US because I don't like it, and then the country I go to is subsumed by the US, then are they still going to tell me to leave? And go where? Yeesh!
That clock on the wall, what time does it say it is? Time for some DuoLingo bragging!
That's about right. It's been very cold with very little snow this winter. I appreciate the lack of snow, but I realize it also serves important functions, like insulating plants and animals and providing water during the thaw. It seems like we have been in a drought for two years now. I'm sort of afraid of becoming so dry that a terrible fire could happen here like the one in Los Angeles. Which brings me back to the Party of Darkness, who aren't willing to help with disaster aid unless California becomes a red state. I don't recall any Democratic presidents and congresspeople putting rules on red states when they needed disaster aid. These really are the basest, most despicable people to walk God's green earth. Remember when the country used to pull together during a disaster? And then they wonder why in their personal lives their liberal friends and relatives are shunning them. Yeesh!
Famous Hat
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