Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Happy Year of the Snake! (Post Is Unrelated)


Today was a comedy of errors. When I got to the parking lot where we catch the shuttle, I put my coffee mug on top of the car as I was getting other stuff out (computer and backpack), and it fell off. To my surprise, the lid popped off, and all my coffee spilled all over the ground. Sigh. Then I got to work and plugged in my computer, but it refused to boot up. My coworker had a question for me, and then we talked for half an hour before I checked on my computer, which was now on... and showing me the reminder that I was meeting my colleague for an open house at a campus conference center. It was already ten minutes past the time we were supposed to meet, so I grabbed my phone to text her... and saw she had been frantically texting me. I told her, "On my way!" and walked at top speed to a campus conference center... but not the right one. Finally I got there, we ate some yummy food (and I had coffee), and we took the tour. It started late, and one woman had a million questions, so then I was running late for our 10 am weekly staff meeting. I walked as fast as I could back to my building... and as I was approaching the conference room, the others all poured out of it. How come they have a short meeting when I'm not there, but never when I am there? Do I talk that much?

I was tired and sore, but my colleague wanted to walk at lunch too, so we did. I even took my afternoon break outside, since the weather was so mild for this time of year, but I walked very slowly. Now my FitBit, that has been yelling at me for getting about 30 cardio load a day when it wants me to get 50-70, is mad because I got 117 cardio load today (again, I have no idea what the units are), so it yelled at me several times to take it easy. You just cannot please that thing. I am really feeling it now, and I'm walking like a little old lady, very slowly with small steps. In my experience, when I overdo it, the next day is awful, but the day after that it's like nothing ever happened, and I'm back to normal. Of course, tomorrow I have to walk across campus to give blood, so not the best day to be limping around. 

My colleague told me two hilarious stories this morning. The first one is about her, and it's important to know that English is not her first language. Her sons were going to Boy Scout camp or something, so she had to get insect repellent. She went into the store with them and asked the guy working there where she could get "dick repellent," and then he and her sons laughed at her. Of course she meant "tick repellent."

The second story was a coworker of hers who went to a fertility doctor because she was having trouble getting pregnant, and he helped her. Later they were out somewhere and her husband spotted the doctor, and he loudly said, "Look, Honey! There's the doctor who got you pregnant!" Ha!

Famous Hat