Yesterday I went to a committee meeting; the committee is one I was on for a term of three years, then I re-upped because nobody else would do it, but I didn't re-up this most recent election. And yet here I am, because the Congress wants representation when they are discussing the ARTs. I asked about being a lower pay grade than the other people in the FART, and if people in that situation would be bumped up, but I got the very unsatisfactory answer that those with lower pay grades would do the lower tasks in the FART. I guess the college HR person didn't know who she was messing with, because I have connections. We'll see what happens... stay tuned.
Yesterday I also filled out a packet from a weight loss program that my doctor referred me to, and I swear every question was like, "Why are you fat? Give five reasons. What's keeping you fat? Give five reasons. What's the thinnest you've ever been, and why did you get fat again? Why don't you exercise, you lazy bum? Give five reasons." I didn't even know what to say to that, since I do get quite a bit of exercise. Of course, my doctor also wants to put me on one of these trendy new drugs that make you lose sixty pounds without doing anything, but I feel like there has to be a catch, like in ten years they'll find out it gives you gout or something, so I'm leery. Though believe me, it is tempting.
My hat looked like it was having the same sort of day.
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