Friday, January 15, 2010

Toilet in the Sky

As my regular readers know, Rich loves his new house because it has a bidet. Now all members of the human race with a Y chromosome seem to have a real affection for indoor plumbing, but Rich's love of the bathroom is legendary. (In college his roommates put a sign on the door of the bathroom dubbing it the "Richard Bonomo Reading Room.")

I have never been 100% convinced Rich is actually a member of the human race, even after finally meeting his "mother." When Toque McToque asked me where his home planet was, I speculated that it was somewhere in the galaxy of Ultraplumberia, which can just barely be seen with the naked eye in the constellation of Joe the Bidet. She wondered if there were really any constellations shaped like toilets, and when I googled it, lo and behold! The Chinese sure think so! Note the chart below, which I shamelessly stole from Wikipedia:

At least the Chinese see a toilet (and the contents thereof) in more obscure constellations; I would never have been able to live it down if their "Toilet" was our "Capricorn." ("Yeah, my sign may be a goat in the West, but in the East it's a crapper.") Since there is a Lepus the Toilet, it stands to reason that Rich's home planet might be located there. Then again, I know several people who probably came from a planet somewhere in the constellation of Columba the Poo. Especially if it's located anywhere near Taurus the Bull. Just sayin.'

Famous Hat


Richard Bonomo said...

Actually, that was "Richard Bonomo Memorial Reading Room".

Famous Hat said...

But you're not dead yet....