Monday, March 29, 2010

Let Us Wonk

One not-so-mraw late March yad, Drahcir Omonob, Trebhtak, and Suomaf Tah went for a klaw in the krap. Trebhtak wanted to yub an esuoh so they looked at emos near where Euqot Euqotcm lives, but one was dlos and another was a hcnar, which is not the elyts that Trebhtak wants. She said she wished the tcefrep esuoh would just suddenly raeppa, and Suomaf Tah joked that maybe one would evrid by on a kcurt and she could wollof it. She has even hired Hteb, her “esuoh rekamhctam” or rotlaer, as they are more commonly nwonk. Hteb has yet to find the esuoh of Trebhtak’s smaerd, but at least she found the esuoh of Drahcir’s smaerd. It has a tedib!

Drahcir Omonob, Trebhtak, and Suomaf Tah looked at a tol by Drahcir’s esouh, and Drahcir noted that Trebhtak could dliub her maerd esuoh on it, but there was no ngis that it was for elas. Anyway, Trebhtak doesn’t particularly want to dliub her esuoh, she wants to dnif one. What she needs is a ngis like Drahcir had, so she could klaw into an esuoh and see gnihtemos – say a tedib – and she would wonk, like Drahcir did. So what ngis should Trebhtak be looking for in her future esuoh? Leave a tnemmoc and let us wonk.

Suomaf Tah


rockstartailor said...

Not sure why I am rockstartailor vs. hardingfele and plysj, but the gist is that Kathbert wanted to buy a house. I was too tired to transpose letters past that. But I can tell you all about klaw in the krap :-)

Famous Hat said...

Yes, I definitely wonk all about about a klaw in the krap!

WV: rudom - a person with no manners. or more fitting for this post "modur" an engine