Sunday, March 7, 2010

Spring Cleaning Chez Bonomo

Yesterday A-Fooze declared we were going to have a "cleaning party" to clean Richard Bonomo's house, so Kathbert, Anna Banana II, my OTHER choir director and I eventually joined her to do some sweeping and mopping and window cleaning, etc. Kathbert finally put the numbers on Rich's mailbox. (He's only lived here since November; one can't rush these things, you know.) The OTHER choir director scrubbed Rich's tea kettle so thoroughly that it actually shines now. We all admired it, and our reflections in it. Then Rich made us dinner.

At dinner Kathbert was saying that she had once made the comment in front of Lady Harriet and Balesiron when they were very small children that people always give her tiny pieces of dessert and tiny amounts of alcohol. She said, "I want MORE booze and MORE dessert!" and to this day that is what they remember about her, even now that they are in college and high school. Kathbert said that will probably be what her gravestone says someday, and Rich said his grave (which he has already purchased) doesn't have room for a gravestone. Kathbert suggested that the OTHER choir director's gravestone could say, "Isn't it lovely when the calla lilies are in bloom?" since he always makes us say that phrase as if we were Katherine Hepburn so that we use "proper" L's when we sing. Then A-Fooze disagreed and said no, the OTHER choir director's tombstone should be a bottle of wine with a discount price sticker on it, since he is infamous for bringing bottles of wine to parties with brightly-colored discount stickers on them so we can all see how much money he saved. We all thought that sounded perfect. Then the OTHER choir director told us a hilarious story:

Once he was invited to a friend's house for dinner, so he stopped for a bottle of wine. At the counter he saw a guy putting price stickers on bottles of liqueur, so he asked if he could get a higher price on his bottle of wine for a joke. Then he brought it to his friend's house, and later in the evening his friend's wife asked him if he had really spent so much money on a bottle of wine, so he told her what he had done.

The OTHER choir director was in heaven when he and Kathbert were cleaning out Rich's dinette area and they came across an enormous bag of cocoa. When some spilled on the floor, he said, "It's like being in a fairy tale - even the dirt on the floor is chocolate!" And he kept saying that it smelled so good that he was going to dive into it. They ended up putting the cocoa into baggies, and we each got to take some home. A successful cleaning day all around!

Famous Hat

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