Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Scanned Images: Red Swingline Stapler

For all you Office Space fans out there, check it out! I have a red Swingline stapler on my desk. Better yet, I found a metallic R on a business card someone dropped, so now I have a monogrammed red Swingline stapler. (You can see the R a little bit on the front.)

Famous Hat


Catherine Arnott Smith said...

Ah, this takes me back. When I was a callow young thing working as a secretary in NYC publishing houses in the early 1980s, I commuted on the elevated line from Queens to The City. It took you right past the giant Swingline Stapler sign (as I recall it went up and down in a stapling motion 24/7).

Famous Hat said...

Does that sign still exist, I wonder? I have been on the elevated line from Queens to the City and don't recall seeing that... but I sure would love to!

Catherine Arnott Smith said...

Naaaahhh... Swingline moved to China. I bet the sign is enthralling countless Chinese commuters.