Saturday, January 2, 2021

Another Rosary Mystery


The coffee place in Sun Prairie had emailed me a coupon for a free coffee, so today I went there with Travalon and met Cali and OK Cap. Travalon went to the bowling alley to watch a college football bowl game while we ladies prayed the rosary as we walked to an international grocery store. I bought some really random stuff there. Here is a photo of the cool background in the bowling alley.

When we got home, my new medal had arrived! This challenge was harder than the Mount Fuji challenge.

Today I opened my last bag of rosaries, from the antiques store in Watertown.

These are all made of natural stone, and the two dark red ones are made of garnet, which is my birthstone. The one on the end is mother of pearl, but as you can see, it is in sad shape. It seems to have only three decades. I'm not sure if it's something other than a rosary, or if it's just a rosary that has had a tough life.

As I was walking with Cali and OK Cap, I prayed one of these rosaries, the one on the right below. I have had the one on the left for years. Notice anything interesting about them?

How could two rosaries from such different places (our church library and the Watertown antiques store) have exactly the same configuration if it doesn't mean anything?? The starting beads are lavender, the first decade is alternating green and white; then the next one is alternating red, white, and blue; the next is alternating black and white; the next is alternating red and white; and the final one is alternating light blue and white. The mystery deepens, because a grad student in our department had one exactly like this that she said she got at the Schoenstatt Shrine. A Google search wasn't helpful at all, but when I searched for "rosary with alternating white beads," I did find a beautiful rosary with alternating red, white, and blue beads that is a fundraiser for veterans. So three guesses what my first rosary purchase of 2021 was...

Famous Hat

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