Thursday, January 28, 2021

Even This Blog Can't Avoid Bernie Memes


More on the same topic: I looked up Buccaneers penalty statistics, and isn't it interesting that last season they were the most penalized team in the league, but suddenly this season they were the least penalized, and do you know what changed? They have Brady on the team now. I looked by game, and when they played a relatively bad team, say the Lions (sorry, Prairie Man), they had a reasonable number of penalties, but when they played a really good team, suddenly they had very few penalties. During their previous game against the Packers, they had no penalties at all. I also found a video on YouTube of some footage of the game on Sunday showing the Buc's offensive line committing egregious offensive holding (this is on top of the egregious pass interference), and oddest of all, when that final penalty was called on the Packers, Brady and one of the refs fist-bumped each other. Now I really want to know what's going on, because if I'm railing on about a man cheating and he really is just an incredible player, then that is a sin because I am lying about him. But boy, there is sure an interesting pattern when you look at the whole picture. I'm not the best messenger in this case, since people would say that, as a Packer Backer, I'm just being a sore loser. What I really need is someone with no skin in the game, someone who doesn't know or care anything about football, to make this case. Richard Bonomo?

On a happier note, here's a photo of my little Loch Ness monster after it bathed in black light for a few minutes. See how the whole thing glows in the dark?

Everyone is creating Bernie memes, and I see Bernie has been visiting my parents' town. Here he is in front of the world-famous Mayo Clinic, with the Mayo brothers.

And here he is visiting my parents. I made this one myself, using a website where you can put Bernie anywhere.

Tourism is really down everywhere, including the Holy Land, so the Christians there have almost no income, since there are no pilgrims to buy religious art. They now sell it online, so I bought this beautiful Jerusalem cross made of olive wood, containing soil, flowers, and rocks from the Holy Land. It's up in the loft with my rosary mandala and all my black light stuff.

Remember this tree that I featured in one of my blog posts about rime at the beginning of the month? It was a beautiful sea foam green due to being covered with rime. Here it is with an entirely different, yet still very wintery, look. 

My neighbor and I were joking that it needed different looks for different dates, like maybe then it was stepping out with a handsome pine but tonight it's seeing a Douglas fir. I'll see if it comes up with any other looks to show off on this blog.

Famous Hat

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