Monday, January 31, 2022

Mismatched Rosary


Last night Travalon got sick, so I don't think I actually had food poisoning but some nasty bug. But where would I have gotten it? If he had brought it home from working with kids, that wouldn't have been a surprise, but everyone I work with has to wear a mask, and then I was working from home since Wednesday. I slept through Travalon's bad night and popped out of bed, thinking I would head to work... and then it quickly became apparent that such a plan of action would be inadvisable. I did start to feel better as the day went on, and it was a beautiful, sunny day in the mid-20's F, so I took several walks. In the evening I did feel a lot better, and I prayed the rosary with the Ladies. I used a rosary I'd gotten in Delafield, the one without a cross on it, and luckily I led the first decade because that one was fine, but the next one was fourteen beads long, and then there was no third one... but I didn't realize this until we had started praying. Usually I know to check antique rosaries... I put a crucifix on it that I had gotten some time ago from the antiques shop in Sauk.

Here is a closeup of it.

The crucifix doesn't exactly match the rosary, since the beads are a pink lemonade color with silver wiring while the crucifix is golden with red enamel, but I wasn't sure what to do with it, and here was a rosary that needed a crucifix. I thought of putting a medal on it, but that just seems weird. Anyway, I can easily take the crucifix off and put it on another rosary if I find a better match for either of them. 

Famous Hat

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