Sunday, January 30, 2022

The Lost Weekend


This was a lost weekend for me. Friday night while talking to Tiffy, I started to feel awful, and it was soon clear that I had food poisoning. That night I got no sleep, and I had to change my clothes three times because I kept barfing on myself, until finally I was in an old pair of pajamas that thankfully still fit. Yesterday I never changed out of the pajamas, and I never left the house. Travalon went to Governor Nelson State Park, and he took some photos of winter scenes.

Last night I slept ten hours, which felt great. Today I felt too lousy to go to Mass, so Travalon went without me, and then he went to the Badgers basketball game, which they won. I watched old episodes of Colbert and hurt every time I laughed, because my core muscles are so pathetic that they are still aching from all that vomiting. I did manage to walk around the neighborhood three times to get my five miles, which felt like a real accomplishment. Both Travalon and Rich said my coloring looks off today, although in Rich's case it was a FaceTime call, so it might have just been the lighting. Surprisingly, I haven't had a headache despite not having coffee for two days. Maybe I'm not actually a caffeine addict but simply a coffee lover. And I'm loving this lack of appetite! Who knows? Maybe tomorrow I will wake up ravenously hungry and craving coffee, and then I will know it's time to go to work.

Famous Hat

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