Saturday, September 21, 2024

When Your Day Turns Completely into Plan B


Today did not go at all as planned for me. I thought I would spend a couple of hours canvassing with my Union peeps while Travalon watched the Wolverhampton game, but canvassing takes FOREVER and it really took it all out of me. We were only supposed to go to friendly, Union households, but in some cases the people didn't live at that address anymore, and the person I was canvassing with said not to give literature to the people who did answer the door, which seemed odd to me. We did have one Union person answer the door, and she said she would take some literature. One person wouldn't answer the door, but she talked to us through her Ring door camera and said she was registered to vote and she would be voting. Most people weren't home. Our most meaningful interactions were with a woman walking a dog and a baby who was very enthusiastic about the candidate on the shirt they made me wear - she said, "Thank you for being out here!" - and a preteen boy who greeted us warmly but then informed us his whole family would be voting for the other candidate. I will say the organizers at the Labor Temple gave us water and coffee (and donuts and breakfast sandwiches, but I had already eaten breakfast) and pizza.

Our plan had been to go to the Willy Street Fair, but here is how out of it I was after walking around for hours in the heat of the day: I decided to go home via Willy Street. Guess what? That didn't work! How could I forget the street would be blocked off for the very festival I WAS PLANNING TO GO TO?? I had to take a detour - this all could have been avoided if I had gone home via a more direct route. Then I needed to relax for a bit, so I took a lovely rosary nap using the cuddly rosary that glows under blacklight which Ma Hat had knitted for me. This was right when Travalon had wanted to see a Rolling Stones cover band at the festival, but it was also right when there was a terrific thunderstorm, so I doubt that the band played. There were three bands in a row that we were interested in, that one and then a Prince tribute act and finally V05, the local disco cover band, plus there was a free klezmer concert, but I was so sore that I just wanted to swim in the warm pool at our health club. We spent quite a bit of time there, and when we left, another storm was blowing up so I'm sure the bands weren't playing at the festival. The klezmer concert was inside, but it was on campus, so we would have had to park some distance away and walk to it, and that didn't sound like much fun in driving rain and constant lightning. Instead, we had a quiet evening at home, and I suggested that Jerry the Kraken could interview Rodrigo the Wolverhampton rhino about the disappointing game, but Travalon said maybe another day. He will likely also interview Tenebrae at some future point about her experience at the solar eclipse, and Jilly Moose has asked if he would interview one of her moose, so we have to think of moose-centric interview questions. So watch for more episodes of Get Kraken with Jerry to come. I will say that everyone seems to love the first episode. One of my Union peeps laughed so hard when I showed it to her! Travalon's dialogue is just *chef's kiss* and his accent is too. How will we ever top that?

Famous Hat

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