Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Happy Mardi Gras/St. Casimir's Day/Vivaldi's Birthday


This morning Travalon and I went to get our taxes done, and I felt like maybe I left a bit abruptly when my FitBit said I had ten minutes left to get my steps for the hour. We get a little back from the feds (someday?) but owe a little to the state, so we had the deduction set to go on Thursday, since that is my payday. It was all futile, because I missed my move hours somehow between 11-12, after doing a chaplet that usually gets me enough steps and failing to make sure, and then weirdly I was paid today so no need for the delay. I mentioned it on the chat at work, and several other coworkers were surprised to see they had also been paid, but apparently our credit union now puts the money from your paycheck into your account two days ahead of time. So that's cool. 

This evening, once I got back from adoration, Travalon and I went to Lola's for Mardi Gras. They had a special Mardi Gras menu of shrimp po' boys or gumbo, but they were out of the po' boys. I did get the gumbo, and Travalon got pelmenis, which were really delicious; he gave me a few, since my bowl of gumbo was very small, maybe because they were running out. Travalon had a tropical drink called an ornithology.

I always take Mardi Gras seriously because I take Lent seriously. In that spirit, we had the same dessert we'd had on my birthday, the chocolate pot de creme with lavender whipped cream, only instead of dark chocolate, now it's milk chocolate with caramel. Almost too much going on there; I liked the simplicity of the dark chocolate and the lavender, but this was still delicious. There was a DJ playing excellent music like the Squirrel Nut Zippers and Satchmo, and then she played a song I'd never heard before, "Ai No Corrida" by Chaz Jankel. I was eight years old when this song was released, and in all these years I'd never heard it. It's like he wrote it with me in mind: it's fast-paced, syncopated, minor key, and he sings in falsetto. I was so enchanted that I asked our waitress if I could tip the DJ. She didn't have a tip jar, so I just handed her what I had left from my own tip playing in Spring Green, and she lit up: "Nobody has ever given me a real tip before!" I said, "That last song was a revelation," and she told me what it was. (Which I already knew, since I'd asked Shazam.) That felt like some good karma, since the DJ is young and probably needs $5 way more than I do, since I have a day job that pays okay. Honestly, I often end up using my own tips to tip other musicians, since it's the only cash I usually have, and a lot of them do it for a living where it's just a hobby for me. So I have listened to "Ai No Corrida" about a hundred times tonight, and now I'm listening to Vivaldi, first his concerto in D minor for two violins, and now his concerto in B minor for four violins. 

I don't have much to say about St. Casimir, not being Polish, except that Ethel had a friend who named her daughter Casimir so she could call her Cassie, and we all thought that was kind of weird. Then again, that same woman had two daughters named Greta and Gretchen, so naming daughters was not her strong suit.

Famous Hat

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