Monday, March 3, 2025

Proof You Exist


Today I worked on campus and took a quick walk before a lunchtime meeting. Here is another contribution to my "Faces of Campus" series:

I had another meeting after lunch, which was online, and we had our cameras and mics muted so they could talk at us. It was a very refreshing nap. Then in the evening, Travalon and I went swimming in the warm pool. The last few times we have been swimming, it doesn't show up as exercise on my FitBit. I must not be swimming as hard, yet my arms slightly ache. Partly this is because there were pink weights in front of a pile of pink pool noodles, and I was so enchanted with the pinkness of it all that after swimming around for about twenty minutes, I grabbed the weights and used them. 

Here are a couple of things I forgot to mention: during my gig a couple of weekends ago, people kept raving over my mandolin, saying how beautiful it is or that they had one like it once but how did I play it without a strap? That's why I love playing gigs - it's definitely not the money, and sometimes it's not the tunes we play (I like some, and some I could live without) - it's the people going all gaga over my antique mandolin. It makes me feel like a Z-list celebrity.

Thursday my shuttle buddy was back, and we talked all the way to work and all the way back, so she must not be sick of me. When the shuttle dropped us back off at the parking lot, I could hear a nearby train blowing its horn. When I was waiting to turn from Aberg onto Sherman, I could see the train behind the houses there, and I hoped to beat it home. As I turned onto Knutson, I looked down at the railroad tracks and could see it in the distance. I waited in the Nau-T-Gal parking lot for what seemed like much longer than it should have taken to get there, and just when I had decided to go to the intersection at Highway M, I could hear it coming so I stayed put. It was the slowest train I'd ever seen pass by on that track.

For some reason today I was remembering how my college roommate and I wrote a newsletter for our dorm. We had both had friends in high school who called us "Biff," so the newsletter, called "Proof You Exist," was written by Biff and Biff. Our house fellow had said her boyfriend who went to another school might bring some guys with him when he came to visit, so one of our headlines was: "Mass Blind Date from Out of State??" The other Biff and I were considered kind of weird by the other people on our dorm floor (fair enough, we were kind of weird), and they complained about the title of the newsletter, so the next issue was called "Irrefutable Evidence of Your Existence," and it was just as goofy, so two other girls said they would take over. They wrote one issue, which everyone said wasn't as good as the work of Biff and Biff, and then, sadly, the newsletter ceased publication. I wonder if I have a copy of either issue somewhere?

Time for bed! Also, time for some DuoLingo bragging:

No calculus yet. I'm still adding fractions, and negative numbers, and sometimes negative fractions. I thought the next unit was imaginary numbers... but maybe I imagined it.

Famous Hat

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