Sunday, March 2, 2025

Madison Mystery Tour and Schlitz Audubon Center


Yesterday I went to get my hair cut, and since it's close to the Essen Haus and Come Back In, we thought we'd get lunch at one of those places. However, they were not open yet, so we went to the Cardinal Bar, a place I went dancing thirty years ago and never pictured having lunch. The empanadas were really good, especially the vegetarian one which was more like a samosa with Indian spices. I couldn't find Niko in my purse and felt a little panicked, but the logical part of my brain was like, "You left him at home," and indeed, he was safe in his Niko Nook. Then Travalon and I took a walk on a boardwalk they have made in our neighborhood for trucks to go into the marsh to work on the power lines. Nowhere does it say we can't walk on them too. It was colder than a few days ago, but still lovely and sunny out. 

In the afternoon we met Rich, Kathbert, and Pete the Sailor Man at Mr. Why's grave to put flowers on it for the anniversary of his death, like we do every year. This time we actually remembered on the right date and not halfway through the month. Then Rich, Pete, Travalon, and I had some snacks and warm beverages at La Brioche. Travalon and I swung by Picnic Point to see if there were any birds around, but we mostly saw ice fishermen who are braver than I am - no way would I walk on that rotten ice! We did see a few geese. On the way home we stopped at Mendota County Park, and Travalon took a couple of photos.

In the evening we went to see a Beatles tribute band called Madison Mystery Tour do music from 1965-66, which is the era of two of their best albums, Rubber Soul and Revolver. I had taken an edible, but I didn't read the directions, which is that you are supposed to cut them in half. Why put the work on me? Why not just make them half as big? Anyway, that was way too much THC, and I felt like I heard every tiny error the musicians made, although I really enjoyed their version of "Tomorrow Never Knows." I felt dizzy and like I didn't know where I was in time and space. Everything was slowed down, and I was having trouble walking like a normal human being. Now I get why Travalon didn't enjoy it when he had a whole chocolate instead of half of one like the people selling it recommended. I was bummed that the band didn't do "Michelle" or "I'm Only Sleeping," but they did do "Girl," which is another one I really like, I suppose because it's minor key. It was still a great show. 

The funny thing about being stoned is that you see connections where there probably aren't any, so maybe stoned people are the ones who create conspiracy theories - I came up with that theory while I was stoned. Can't remember any of the deep thoughts I had, but at one point I was trying to determine the numeric value of two words, and I got as far as figuring out that L was 3 and then realized I couldn't remember what the words were. So much for that theory!

Today I still felt, if not stoned, at least very groggy all through Mass. Immediately afterwards we drove to Milwaukee to visit the Schlitz Audubon Center, but first we had lunch at the Three Lions Pub, and I realized I was wearing a very Irish outfit (scarf and necklace with Celtic symbols) to an English pub. Oops! The center is in Bayside; my interest in going there was to see a display of astronomical photography done by amateurs, and some of them were amazing, of eclipses and nebulas and the aurora borealis. Travalon and I took some photos, but I'm not sure about the ethics of posting them here without permission. Instead, enjoy these photos I took last night of Venus and the crescent moon.

You could really see the planets in an arc across the sky last night. It was so cool! 

There are lots of hiking trails at the Schlitz Audubon Center, so Travalon and I took one down to the beach.

I think we saw a fata morgana, because looking at the far shoreline, we could see a floating peninsula beyond it that looked odd, like it was in pieces. It looked like photos I've seen of the phenomenon. Unfortunately, Travalon didn't have his good camera, and it was way too far away to take photos with our cell phones.

This is a soft-shell turtle they have at the center, burrowing into the sand.

Then we went to Virmond County Park and took a walk there too. From there we couldn't see the fata morgana; the far shore looked totally normal. Here are some photos. The park is on top of a bluff overlooking the lake.

Would you like to take a seat?

We hurried back to Madison, but we were a bit late coming back for me to get to band practice, so we just had some dinner at It's Good for You Pizza. So delicious! We tried to go to Bellitalia, which is closing in about a week, but there was a two-hour wait. We may not be able to get in before it closes for good.

Famous Hat

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