Yesterday I didn't blog because there wasn't much to say. I brought a pot to work to transplant my black ZZ plant, since it has been struggling for a while, and when my green one was struggling, putting it in a bigger pot fixed the problem and now it is so happy. However, when I took the black ZZ plant out of its pot, it wasn't root-bound but in fact had hardly any roots. I put it in the bigger pot anyway, but it will probably die. What a bummer. Then at lunch I brought our mousetrap, which had gotten out of whack when Travalon released the mouse, to Hardingfele so she could fix it, but she couldn't fix it. However, you can get two for $10 so we might as well just get new ones. The day was topped off by a meeting where they explained why in the new system it would make sense for us financial people to create all expense reports instead of our current system where the traveler creates it and then we approve it, which should be about 100 times more work for us. I was exhausted by the time Travalon came to pick me up.
Today I was glad to work from home because I was really feeling under the weather in a vague sort of way, but nothing I could name. I had my physical therapy session (and wore a mask), and the physical therapist said I had made so much progress that I don't need a fourth session in two weeks. That should have made me happy, but I was really dragging. When I finally got around to checking my daily readiness on my FitBit, which is usually between 50-80, it was 11. The FitBit knew I was sick. I tried to work a bit but took a couple of hours off in the afternoon. I felt woozy and lightheaded, but I couldn't sleep so I watched the Super Bowl halftime show, which had offended all the worst people. It was six years ago when I was horrified by the racism people were spewing about the halftime show, but by now I'm so used to it that I'm like, whatever, haters gonna hate. And by now I know who the haters are in my old crowd, so it's no longer an unpleasant surprise. Another thing I noticed is that a lot of the ads were subtle or not so subtle digs at the current administration, with a lot of emphasis on equality for women and minorities, and peace and love abounding.
Today on social media people were chattering about how the Pope sent a letter to the US bishops that was a smackdown of our esteemed veep, who has been Catholic for like five minutes and so thinks he is more qualified to talk about matters of faith than the Pontiff. I can see that the Church in this country might split into two, one side faithful to Rome and the other wallowing in the Christofascism that this current administration is threatening to put in place. There seem to be a lot of high-profile converts, almost exclusively white men, who have brought their Evangelical outlook with them into the Church, but we the normal people in the pews don't want it. A lot of the clergy seem to have bought into it, and even bishops, but there are priests who are still faithful to traditional Catholic teaching, like the one at the church on the far east side where we have been going. The great thing about that church is that it isn't lily-white, and I have seen little girls there in princess dresses and a boy wearing a Darth Vader costume except for the mask. Everyone is welcome, just as they are - no gatekeeping there! In fact, they put the words to the prayers up on a screen so nobody has to feel like they aren't a "real" Catholic because they don't know the Confiteor by heart. This is the joyful, loving church I remember from my childhood. This is the Catholicism of St. Francis, my hero. If this country becomes like China, and there is a state-approved church, I'll be up against the wall for staying faithful to Rome. If it ever comes to that, I hope I have the nerve to shout, "Viva Christo Rey!" like Padre Pro as they shoot me.
Famous Hat
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