It started when Travalon and I were sitting in the living room and we heard a sound in the kitchen. We looked at each other and wondered if something had fallen off of the shelf, but it was methodical, someone dragging something. Was there another person in the house? We went into the kitchen and saw nothing.
"I think we have a mouse," I said.
Then I started to find things that made no sense, like an empty prescription bottle that had fallen on the floor and had a hole chewed in the cap.
"This has got to be a mouse," I said, although I had no idea why a mouse would chew something like that.
Hardingfele said she had a live trap, and it wasn't a moment too soon, because Travalon said he saw the mouse run under his chair. So Monday at work I got the live trap from her... and forgot to set it that night. I did mention the problem at our condo board meeting, since we are paying an exterminator to come by every month, and what are we paying for if we have mice? The others said they had mice too, and one told me his cat once got trapped in the wall trying to catch a mouse. They thought he was lost, so they went all over the neighborhood looking for him, until they heard him yowling in the wall, and they had to punch a hole in the wall to rescue him. That was years ago - they have a girl cat now, the one we have taken care of a couple of times while they were on vacation. I suppose living next to a marsh, we're at high risk, but we've lived here a decade and never had a problem until now. Plus we live on the second floor, but apparently mice can climb?
Yesterday morning I saw the mouse scurry across the kitchen floor. Last night I set the trap, and this morning the mouse was in it. Travalon took the trap to the woods and got the mouse out of it, and it sat there shocked for a moment in the cold, after our warm kitchen, and then it ran up a tree. I didn't even know they could do that! Operation Mouse Release was a success! However, Hardingfele says if you have one mouse, you have lots of mice, so I guess we'll just keep setting the trap until we don't catch any more mice. Hopefully they haven't made even more mice already...
Famous Hat
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