Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Repeat Customer (Me)


Today I worked from home, and I mostly got caught up from being sick last week. A package came for me, because when I opened Ivan there was a QR code on a piece of paper in the package, so I scanned it and got taken right to the dude's website. He had more weird mushroom sculptures as part of his "Fugly Fungi" collection, and then he had something I had to have. I thought to myself, "Nope, it's stupid to spend money on this," but then I remembered the gift card I'd gotten from the health incentive thing at work, and that is exactly what it's for - buying stupid stuff you don't want to spend real money on. It's play money. So this is what I got:

And this is what it looks like under the blacklight:

The dude also sent this free... poster? 

And here it is under blacklight.

Maybe I shouldn't say "dude," since for all I know, this person is a woman. Whoever they are, they are an artist making things that glow under blacklight. I got my blacklight using the gift card five years ago, so now I might as well get more stuff to use it with.

Famous Hat

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