Tuesday, February 4, 2025

I'm a Published Writer!


I totally forgot the big news yesterday: I am a published writer! My Guideposts for February/March came a few days ago, and I hadn't had a chance to look at it. I had completely forgotten that my article (for which I have already been paid $50) was going to be in that issue until yesterday, when a package from Guideposts came in the mail, and I remembered that they were going to send me ten extra copies to give to family and friends. I picked up the single issue that had already come and turned to the back page, and there it was!! My article! And the photo of me even looked really good! So now I have been published somewhere besides the side of a bus, and I have been paid for my writing for real, not just the paltry money I get from having monetized this blog.

Not too much happened today; I worked from home and went to Adoration. But I did forget to mention that yesterday the condo board president and his wife had a big container of fortune cookies from Lunar New Year, so they gave me two as I was leaving the meeting, one for me and one for Travalon. Mine said that I should work in education, which struck me as funny because I am not an educator, but I do work at a university. Travalon's said that he would find something he had been looking for, and he lost something on our trip, so maybe...? Here's hoping!

Here is a photo of some rocks I have collected lately.

I cannot remember where I got the lovely, smooth rocks on the top row - I think maybe along a lakeshore. The striped rock on the bottom row is from right outside our building, where there are a lot of rocks, and I think maybe the smiley face rock was too. My whole life I have been one to pick up interesting rocks. Now it's a more expensive hobby when I buy crystals, but I still find free ones outside.

Famous Hat

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