Today I worked on campus, and the whole day felt like meetings: one at 10, one at 11, an unscheduled one at 12, and one at 2. I barely got any real work done. Hardingfele couldn't walk at lunch because they were having a meeting right then about a federal grant. But at least Travalon did send me evidence that the cranes are back:
They like to walk on the ice, but I have no idea why. Probably just because it's there.
After work I went to the home of the Irish Couple of the Year (says who? says the Shamrock Club) for the Shamrock Club book study. We had read How the Irish Saved Civilization by Thomas Cahill, and I was surprised at how many people found the book tedious, since I enjoyed it. We had a lively conversation that touched on the book now and then, and we decided on a book to read for the May meeting which I cannot remember now, so hopefully they send out an email. They have had these book studies for a long time, but this is the first one I went to. Also, I was very happy because the male half of the Irish Couple of the Year said he was stunned to find my article in Guideposts. I'm so excited that someone saw it in the wild! Most of the people I know must not subscribe to the magazine, because this is the first I've heard from someone that they saw my article. It's very short, and the others were stunned to hear I was paid $50 for it. I was pretty surprised myself when they told me - it seems like a generous sum of money for such a short article. I should try to get a full-length article published and see what they would pay for that.
Did you ask what time it is? Time for some DuoLingo bragging, of course!
Tomorrow I should have another landmark sticker to share with you, my loyal readers.
Famous Hat
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