Friday, February 28, 2025

Yellow and Blue


Sometimes a story is so straightforward that there are not two sides to it, there is only Right and Wrong. If one country invades another country, that is wrong. If the leaders of our country side with the invader rather than the invaded, that is wrong. I watched the meeting today where Tweedledee and Tweedledumb tried to humiliate the leader of the invaded country and get him to make a deal that was entirely advantageous to them and not at all to him, and I have never hated two people more in my life. They were hoping to bully and humiliate him into taking the deal, which is why they had the meeting on TV - you notice when they met with the invader, that was behind closed doors. I have no respect for the traitors who support the invader and are busy doing apologetics for Dear Leader being wholly in thrall to him. Dear Leader is the stupidest, most self-centered man on the planet, and he's taking his orders directly from the evilest man on the planet. I have no respect for a person I know who went on social media and posted a rebuttal to someone who said stand with the invaded country, basically arguing that the invader is right and the invaded country is wrong. You know who you are, and you know you are wrong. The cognitive dissonance in your head is buzzing so loud I can hear it here on the other side of town. How you can claim to be a "Christian" when you support these men, and how you can claim to be a "patriot" when you are a complete traitor is between you and God, but I have my own opinions, and certainly they are that you are NOT A GOOD PERSON. Repent while there's still time.

Famous Hat

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