Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Disco Pillows and Zoom Confetti


Today I worked from home, and midafternoon I noticed little flecks of light on the dining room wall and ceiling, like I was in a disco.

I thought, "Is my stained glass picture of a Celtic Cross causing this?" but I wiggled it, and the flecks didn't move. So I thought, "Is the chandelier causing this?" but I wiggled it, and the flecks didn't move. I puzzled for a moment, and then I spotted the culprits on the futon.

A couple of sequined pillows! The silver one caused the silver flecks, and the Packer one caused the green and gold flecks. I like how the afternoon sun made a rainbow on the silver-sequined pillow.

As soon as I logged out of work, I heard a train whistle in the distance, so I put on my shoes and jacket and ran outside. I got to where I could see the train just in time, but unlike the one on Sunday, this was an ordinary train with a couple of lights on the engine and no lights on the cars. Why was the other one so lit up? Inquiring minds want to know! Then, when I turned to go back into the house, I saw the remnants of the sunset, so I went out on the dock to take some photos.

I forgot to post this yesterday, and it's not such a good photo because the windows at work are so dirty, but there was a beautiful sunset then too.

When we were on Night Prayer, we had a conversation about "quiet quitting," which is people who go to work but don't do anything, like a passive-aggressive way to protest your job. I said the term did get abused by people who think you should answer your boss's texts at 4 am and call that "quiet quitting" (and I made the air quotes) when most of us would just call it living... and to my surprise, Zoom made cartoon confetti fall in my square! I don't know how I triggered that; I tried saying "quiet quitting" with the air quotes again, but that didn't work. I may have to do some Zoom experimentation...

Famous Hat

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