Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Taco 'Tinerary

Sorry that I didn’t blog yesterday – I completely forgot! Hopefully my readers had a good weekend. Friday Travalon and I took OK Cap out for dinner. She broke her shoulder and has been somewhat incapacitated, but we figured she could indulge in a fish fry!

Saturday Travalon had to work, then he and I went on a hike on Governor’s Island. In the evening we went to a Mallards game to watch them play the Fond du Lac Dock Spiders, since Travalon was fascinated with that name. And they were top of the league, so it was a really good, close game – not high scoring, but lots of great defensive playing. In the end the Mallards won 2-1, and it was such a satisfying victory. Afterwards there were fireworks, then we went to the new microbrew pub just across the street from the Mallards called Bierock. They have lots of craft beer on tap and do the five ounce pours that we like.

Sunday Travalon and I were planning to do what he called the “Taco ‘Tinerary”: trying a single taco at several restaurants in town to find out where the best one was. In theory you can eat several single tacos and not get too full, but at the first place we had Mexican street corn too, and then at the second place I had also had grilled cactus while Travalon had two tacos. At that point we were too full to have any more, so we walked to Funk Factory, running into Kathbert along the way. (She just walked with us but did not join us for a sour beer.) We went for a hike at Cherokee Marsh and then checked out another hiking spot on Bong Road, which had a stunning view but not much of a hiking trail. By then we were too tired to continue the Taco ‘Tinerary, so we just had dinner at home. Maybe at some point in the future we will continue the Quest to Find the Best Taco…

Travalon was the best husband yesterday. I forgot my coffee and didn’t realize it until I got to the bus stop, so he drove to my office and brought it, along with two Christmas cacti. So then I was able to have my coffee and bring some plants to work! He also made dinner last night. So sweet!

Here is a not half-bad photo of me someone took to put on the website at work.

Famous Hat

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